BNF description of the KPP language

Following is the BNF-like specification of the KPP language:

program ::=                module | module program

module ::=                 section | command |inline_code

section ::=                #ATOMS atom_definition_list                           |
                           #CHECK atom_list                                      |
                           #DEFFIX species_definition_list                       |
                           #DEFVAR species_definition_list                       |
                           #EQUATIONS equation_list                              |
                           #FAMILIES family_list                                 |
                           #INITVALUES initvalues_list                           |
                           #LOOKAT species_list atom_list                        |
                           #MONITOR species_list atom_list                       |
                           #SETFIX species_list_plus                             |
                           #SETVAR species_list_plus

command ::=                #CHECKALL                                             |
                           #DECLARE [ SYMBOL | VALUE ]                           |
                           #DOUBLE [ ON | OFF ]                                  |
                           #DRIVER driver_name                                   |
                           #DUMMYINDEX [ ON | OFF ]                              |
                           #EQNTAGS [ ON | OFF ]                                 |
                           #FUNCTION [ AGGREGATE | SPLIT ]                       |
                           #HESSIAN [ ON | OFF ]                                 |
                           #INCLUDE file_name                                    |
                           #INTEGRATOR integrator_name                           |
                           #INTFILE integrator_name                              |
                           #JACOBIAN [ OFF | FULL | SPARSE_LU_ROW | SPARSE_ROW ] |
                           #LANGUAGE[ Fortran90 | Fortran77 | C | Matlab ]       |
                           #LOOKATALL                                            |
                           #MEX [ ON | OFF ]                                     |
                           #MINVERSION minimum_version_number                    |
                           #MODEL model_name                                     |
                           #REORDER [ ON | OFF ]                                 |
                           #STOCHASTIC [ ON | OFF ]                              |
                           #STOICHMAT [ ON | OFF ]                               |
                           #UPPERCASEF90 [ ON | OFF ]

inline_code ::=            #INLINE inline_type

atom_count ::=             integer atom_name                                     |

atom_definition_list :=    atom_definition                                       |

atom_list ::=              atom_name;                                            |
                           atom_name; atom_list

equation ::=               <equation_tag> expression = expression : rate;        |
                           expression =  expression : rate;

equation_list ::=          equation                                              |
                           equation equation_list

equation_tag ::=           Alphanumeric expression, also including the
                           underscore. In scan.l it is defined as

expression ::=             term                                                  |
                           term + expression                                     |
                           term - expression

initvalues_assignment :=   species_name_plus = program_expression;               |
                           CFACTOR = program_expression

initvalues_list ::=        initvalues_assignment                                 |
                           initvalues_assignment initvalues_list

inline_type ::=            F90_RATES    | F90_RCONST    | F90_GLOBAL             |
                           F90_INIT     | F90_DATA      | F90_UTIL               |
                           F77_RATES    | F77_RCONST    | F77_GLOBAL             |
                           F77_INIT     | F77_DATA      | F77_UTIL               |
                           C_RATES      | C_RCONST      | C_GLOBAL               |
                           C_INIT       | C_DATA        | C_UTIL                 |
                           MATLAB_RATES | MATLAB_RCONST | MATLAB_GLOBAL          |
                           MATLAB_INIT  | MATLAB_DATA   | MATLAB_UTIL

rate ::=                   number                                                |

species_composition ::=    atom_count                                            |
                           atom_count + species_composition                      |

species_definition ::=     species_name = species_composition;

species_definition_list := species_definition                                    |
                           species_definition species_definition_list

species_list ::=           species_name;                                         |
                           species_name; species_list

species_list_plus ::=      species_name_plus;                                    |
                           species_name_plus; species_list_plus

species_name ::=           Alphanumeric expression, also including the
                           underscore, starting with a letter.  In
                           scan.l it is defined as "[a-zA-Z_][a-ZA-Z_0-9]*".
                           Its maximum length is 32.

species_name_plus ::=      species_name                                          |
                           VAR_SPEC                                              |
                           FIX_SPEC                                              |

term ::=                   number species_name                                   |
                           species_name                                          |
                           PROD                                                  |